Kouts School Nurse

The school's lady with the lamp . . . except I'm a dude.

Archive for the tag “medicine”

Tempus Fugit: Drug Expiration Dates

Wondering if your bottle of acetaminophen is still good even though it is past its expiration date? Scott Gavura, a Canadian pharmacist of Science Based Pharmacy posted an article discussing safety and efficacy of expired medications.  Below is his conclusion, but the fascinating article is certainly worth reading.  I learned how drug expiration dates are calculated and tested.

There’s no single rule for expired drugs and supplements, owing to the variety of products, regulatory requirements, and other factors that can influence a product’s safety and efficacy. In general, expiry dates are conservative, and consumers can have confidence that drug labeling claims will be accurate up to, and in some cases well beyond, the labelled expiry date. The reality is that we don’t store drugs under ideal circumstances. So when absolute certainty is required, stick to drug products that are not expired. When absolutely necessary, expired drugs are probably safe, however, the potency may be compromised. And when you’re talking about supplements, herbals, and homeopathy, keep in mind that any expiry dates are usually arbitrary. And before you flush or toss those expired drugs, find ways to dispose of them in a way that minimizes the environmental impact and potential for harm.

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