Kouts School Nurse

The school's lady with the lamp . . . except I'm a dude.

Archive for the tag “science!”

More than just tang

What do they eat on the International Space Station? Watch the video below and learn they eat more than just tang.

I love the fact that the food in the Capri Sun bags are essentially canned the same way you would can food from your garden.

Red Flags Of Quackery

Created by Maki at Sci-ence, the Red Flags Of Quackery inforgraphic below lays out many of the gambits and logical fallacies you may encounter by charlatans and true believers.  If something is too good to be true, it probably is.

Nothing comes between me and my genes

Parts of me may be patented.  Genes, as they are being discovered, are being patented by the genetics companies which discover them.  Other companies and scientists are stating this is a bad idea because only a small group of scientists will be able to test hypotheses and make additional discoveries.  The scientists and companies who are patenting genes respond to “Many hands make light work” crowd with a cliche of their own, “Finders keepers”. The patent holders believe they should be rewarded for the hard work invested in researching the genes.  The U.S. Supreme Court is currently hearing arguments from both sides. There are other questions and concerns raised by this case, many of which are articulated in the following Sci Show video.

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