Kouts School Nurse

The school's lady with the lamp . . . except I'm a dude.

Whose Lyme Is It Anyway?

There are certain things which make a person ticked off.  Some bits which will make a person buggy.  Nothing draws my ire more than the hematophagy, ectoparasites of the class Acarina, also known as Ticks.

Ticks spread disease as a result of their diet.  While gorging themselves on the host’s blood, various bacteria which cause disease may be transferred to the host.  Borrelia burgdorferi is responsible for Lyme disease.

Signs and symptoms include fever & chills, muscle ache, sweats, headache, and a bull’s eye rash.  A rash may appear 3 – 30 days after the bite.  It may be 1-2 inches in diameter initially and gradually expand.  Rashes smaller the size of a quarter are usually a reaction to the bite itself rather than an indication of Lyme disease.  The bull’s eye rash occurs in 80% of patients, so if flu-like symptoms are experienced after removing a tick, follow up with a health care provider immediately.  Antibiotics may be administered depending on stage and signs & symptoms presented.

The best offense is a good defense.  While working in fields or wooded areas, wear pants and long sleeved shirts.  Apply bug repellent to deter ticks and other annoying insects like mosquitoes.  If a tick is found, remove it with tweezers.  Grasp as close to the head as possible and apply a gentle, steady force to remove it.   After the tick is removed clean the area with soap and water.

Do not apply heat or nail polish to remove the tick.  These methods are ineffective and may cause the tick to regurgitate into the wound.   There are a variety of proprietary tick removers which are effective.  I have used Ticked Off with success.  I do not believe it is necessary to have a device like this, but it is very easy to use.

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